Welcome to mwakious ROM series website

Here you can find all the information about mwakious ROM's files to download and helpfull information.




We, me & the creators, take no responsibility for any damage that may occur to your phone, by downloading these ROM's you agree that everything is made at your very own risk.



These products are free to use at your own risk. Donations are always welcomed! I take NO responsibility for any
conflict, fault, or damage caused by these products. No warranties implied or
otherwise are given if you agree to use these products. No problems were found while
testing these products on several different devices, your experience may vary.

Official app

please click on the icon

download the apk and install


alternative link

other phones(win7-8 or iphone)                               android phones


If you like our work you can offer us a coffee :)




03/04/2013 00:38
Please go to our thread on XDA and vote! You choose between a new release v17+17.1 or an OTA update 16.5!!! please vote! https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1648407 poll on page one first post!!

new beta is out today!!

24/03/2013 22:52
hi @ll!!! today new beta for 16.05.xx started!!! allready out 4 beta tests!!! i hope releasing untill the end of the week!!


05/01/2013 00:49
after i saw that msg on "update me" and most donators have donated thinking they were donating to me, we changed OTA update,you will receive a notification about update from update me,install it and you'll be prompt to the new OTA updater!!! if you have donated in other email than...


03/01/2013 03:53
ATTENTION to @ll users!!! if you had intention to donate to me ,give attention at the donate button on the updater program!!it leads to the creator of the update me app and NOT to me,those that donated thinking about me please confirm were you donated,if its not to me reclaim your money,donations...


10/11/2012 10:57
in only 2 days we are at :   rapidshare :6991 androidfilehost : 282   TY ALL FOR CHOOSING MWAKIOUS ROMS!!

solution of some freezings!!

10/11/2012 10:53
please do this to avoid freezings and problems   1.go to apps 2.find kernel tuner 3.clean cache 4.stop the app 5.un-install 6.reboot!!   ty ,mwakious

new version is out!!!

08/11/2012 15:33
v15.0 base and in 3 hours v.15.1 is out!! have fun!! 

last sneak peak of v15!!

28/10/2012 12:19
hi @ll!! this is the last sneak peak of v15+15.1,it has been seeded to the betas and waiting for there feedbacks!!!   -mwakiousSYSTEMmanagment GEN3 v.3.0  +fixed the cores (sorry about this.... ) +fixed deep sleep   -mwakiousANTIKANGsecurity v.2.1 +fixed the freeze...

mwakious app

22/10/2012 21:58
google changed his rules....now we have to pay to post our apps :( 25$......so for now the app would be downloaded from my site or on xda on my thread or here for all other phones go here 


21/10/2012 13:08
hi @ll!! after i saw the problems (for my luck are not to many....) i decided to make 14.2 ---> 15 + 15.1!! this time i will let the betas test more time and not give them betas every 2 hours... a sneak peak of v15.x: -fixed FMradio -fixed root for some app -mwakiousSYSTEMmanagment...
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